Meine Auslansaufenthalte in Frankreich
Meine Auslansaufenthalte in Indien
1994 Bombay, Indien: First International Pilot study to investigate the most proximal site of lesion in peripheral nerves affected by leprosy by implementing intraoperative electrophysiological techniques to clarify the question if inconspicuous nerve segments are nevertheless affected by the disease and if they should be surgically released. Life surgery demonstration of the use of intraoperative electroneurodiagnostics during routine peripheral nerve surgery at 'Biennial Conference of the Indian Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery (ISRM)'.
Meine Auslansaufenthalte in den USA
2006 – 2007 San Francisco, USA:
Forschungsaufenthalt an der University of California San Francisco , UCSF, Abteilung fur Chirurgie.
Auswirkungen der Ubergewichtschirugie
Funktionsstorungen der Speiserohre
Gastroesophageale Refluxerkrankung